Step-by-Step Plan Advice
Digital registration via INKOM
As an entrepreneur, you first need to register through the online platform INKOM. Once this is done you can get started.
You request a proposal for advice from a registered service provider (e.g. Cyclops). This offer must be based on a very specific problem and will be fully tailored to your company. You sign the quotation for the advice with a registered service provider (e.g. Cyclops).
Contact with registered service provider
Submit the subsidy application online
On the website of the KMO portfolio, you make the grant application no later than 14 days after the start of the consultancy. You do this as follows: You look up the registered service provider on the website (Cyclops DV.A219246). You enter the start date, amount and title of the consulting agreement. The website automatically calculates the amount your organization pays, and the part that is subsidized by the Flemish Government.
You will immediately see the result of your request online and it will be confirmed via e-mail. It contains a reference code and a structured communication. You pay your own contribution into the SME portfolio account of the financial partner Sodexo within 30 days of registering your subsidy application - otherwise your application will be cancelled by the government! Subsequently, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agency will also pay the subsidy to this account.
Deposit of own contribution
Subsidy contribution is deposited
The Flemish government also transfers the subsidy to this account. You will receive a notification of this by e-mail.
You will receive the requested strategic advice from us with a plan of action.
Strategic advice is provided
Transfer of the amount
Via the website of the SME Portfolio, you give the order to pay the amount excluding VAT. To do so, you enter the reference or structured communication of the invoice and confirm that it can be paid. Sodexo pays the amount excluding VAT into the account of the service provider.
You pay the VAT amount of the invoice directly to the service provider through the normal way (bank transfer).
VAT Payment